Sunday, July 8, 2012

QSP and Multi-Causality: Axiom 12 - Accessibility

Peace Be With You!
Always hoping there is brightness in your world!

We can change! We can change how we experience the world. The outer environment may resist change, change in ways that we did not anticipate, and take a long time to change. But in your and my inner environment, in our body-mind-spirit we can change in a moment, because of a single ‘life-changing’ experience or a profound insight or sudden revelation. We can also change because we simply choose to do so, sometimes because of the influence of others, sometimes not. Whatever the motivation behind change, it must act upon our body-mind-spirit in order for change – real change, desired change, sustainable change - to occur. Bringing about change in the outer environment is mostly about influence and persuasion because ultimately others have to choose to change in the direction of your desire. Bringing about change in your inner environment – in your body-mind-spirit is dependent upon Passion and Process. A peaceful world certainly facilitates a peaceful you, but a peaceful you is not completely dependent on there being a peaceful world. In fact, a peaceful world emerges from there being a peaceful you. Passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion, it is the thing that arouses enthusiasm about your desire, it is the fuel for your process of change. Change in either environment is likely to precipitate some measure of change in the other, because everything is connected. But change in you, change in your body-mind-spirit is the essential and most accessible causal element at your disposal to bring about change in both the inner and outer environments.

Passion is not enough to bring about change! You also need a reliable process for determining and prioritizing the steps that must be taken. You need to enhance you ability to make the best choices – your best choices. Taken together Axioms 8 – 18 on Multi-Causality provide a framework for an effective change process. In the Handbook On Being Human, the Mysterious Dr. M. makes this statement.

To succeed you must overcome obstacles and challenges.
To overcome obstacles and challenges you must understand their nature.
To understand the nature of what is to be overcome you must observe and study.
To observe and study you must pay attention and focus.
To pay attention and focus you must calm your mind.
To calm your mind you must enter into Peaceful Space.

The Multi-Causality Formula says that no social phenomena can be explained in terms of a single cause – no matter how much individuals, parents, teachers, employers, groups of people, or governments may strive to do so. Whatever it is that you are dealing with – at home, school, or work – it emerges and persists because of a dynamic combination of variables. Likewise, if there is not a single cause for a problem or phenomenon then there is not a single solution – no magic bullet. Whatever it is that you want to call into existence, it too will emerge because you managed the most important causal elements necessary to create the conditions for its emergence.  In order to orchestrate an effective process for change you have to consider all of the variables that will or have given life to the conditions you wish to alter. Well, actually not all of the variables. QSP suggests that that would be impossible in any practical sense because everything – literally, everything is connected to everything else. Life would not be so unfair - though it comes close sometimes – as to present us with problems that could only be solved by doing the impossible. Most of what you and I have to do to live a good life is – though daunting at times- doable. Most of the causal elements that influence the life and death of the thoughts and feelings that inhabit our inner environment – and affect our body-mind-spirit - are manageable since we have the ability to control our own thoughts, perceptions, judgments, and behaviors.

Axiom 12: Accessibility

In the range of causal elements (X1 – XN), some elements are more easily observed and measured than others.

There may be many latent and hidden causal elements associated with suicide but the warning to parents, teachers, friends, and others generally identify symptoms that can be observed by the average person. There are a number of tests that oncologists can use to detect the presence of cancer, but what often drives patients to the oncologists for those tests is an observation made by the patient who was paying attention to their body. The police use simple and sophisticated tests to confirm that a person is driving under the influence of an intoxicant but often, the police are called by a citizen or driver who first observed the person driving in ways that suggested their intoxication. An unexplained growth getting larger, a undefined but persistent pain, a sudden change in behavior, an apparent inability or unwillingness to change, a slow but relentless loss of enthusiasm, an unyielding anxiety and sense of foreboding. Any and all of these – and so many more – may be part of the fabric that defines your present reality. Paying attention – observation – is one of the most important keys! And some things are more accessible to your observation than others.

Change is always rooted in something! So is perpetuity! What comes and what goes is not random. They are the result of a process! That is as true for you and me as it is for the entire universe. Part of your and my process is seeking the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to make those choices – in every situation – that move us closer to that sense of fulfillment that we desire as part of our inner reality.

There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!

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concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.

Peace and Health!