Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Welcome: Can You Re-conceptualize Your World?

Think about it! Our eyes lie to us everyday about the nature of the world.  And the misconceptions and mistakes that emanate from our narrow observations and linear worldviews costs us dearly.  Most of the information shared on my web site is aimed at helping you to understand the dynamic consequences of our limiting worldviews and to suggest an alternate way of conceptualizing your world.  The Quantum Sociological Perspective [QSP] suggests that our existence has much more to do with how we manage the energy dynamics of our individual and collective lives than it does to do with the particular things we possess or technologies we develop.  The Quantum Sociological Perspective is further explored in Letters To U: From The Mysterious Dr. M. - The Handbook On Being Human, vol. I.   I invite you to read these sources and join me as we look at your and my world with a new kind of Sociological Imagination.

I also encourage you to share your thoughts, comments, and questions about how the revelations of quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and other fields of science are changing your conceptualization of your personal life, your social world, and the dynamic forces that are influencing your perceived reality.

Welcome to the Quantum Sociologist Blogspot! Hope you will become a regular visitor.


Have a Wonderful New Year!