Saturday, March 10, 2012

QSP and the Quantum Entity: Axiom 7 - Societal Influences

Peace Be With You!

So how was your February? Stressful? I hope not, but if your answer is yes, you should know that you are not alone. Of course, that may not be of much consolation to you and probably doesn’t mitigate your stress one bit. But it is important to know that you are not the source of all of the anxiety, frustration, and stress that you feel. You also feel other people’s energies. Some of what and how you feel is the result of your interpretation of and reaction to the stimuli that touch your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin. Some of what you feel is the result of the fact that you are inextricably connected to everyone and everything else in creation. As I stated in my last Post, We cannot escape the reality of Quantum Entities. But why would we want to? Our ability to generate Quantum Entities through our interactions with others is the source of those enduring relationships and connections that bring such joy into our lives. Their formation is an essential part of our nature and the nature of our world and universe. That is the good part. The bad part comes from those relationships and experiences that don’t feel so wholesome and send us spirally into chronic stress and all of its concomitant effects. Somewhere between the occurrence of a stimuli to your senses and your response to it, information gets distorted, some gets loss, and some gets overlooked completely. Our senses lie to us all of the time. Every time you look at an object or person and see them as discrete and separate, you have fallen victim to a lie perpetrated by your eyes, brain, mind, and imagination. The space in between you and that object or person is not empty space. Nor is the interaction between you based solely upon the experiences of your five primary senses.

When the Book of All Things was being composed the first chapters considered the four cornerstones of the life process, creativity, connectivity, choice, and consequences. These four cornerstones or threads would provide the fundamental pattern for the existence of all things. First, creativity was bound to connectivity so that changes would not disrupt the essential unity of creation. This is why it is true that anytime we change a thing, we change more than what is intended. Because everything, object or person, thought or action, real or imagined experience is connected to and affects everything else. Yet, essentially, creation remains unchanged.  The four cornerstones and sacrosanct unity of creation remain intact, and the sum total of the energy that animates the Book of All Things remains unchanged. Your body-mind is a reflection of this basic law of the Book of All Things. Every cell in you body is mandated to create and recreate itself. All of your cells do not perform this miracle over the same time frame. As your cells create and recreate, you do not notice the process or subtle differences because creativity was bound to connectivity and your body carries out its task to maintain the essential unity of the body. When our cells violate their Prime Directive, we get cancers or some other aberrations. It is when your body-mind is experiencing chronic stress that your cells are most likely to violate their Prime Directive.

Next, choice was bound to consequences so that every thought or action, whether willful or unintended would produce dynamic effects, some seen and some unseen, like those of a pebble cast into a pond. We see the obvious surface waves but there is much more occurring beneath the surface. Creativity and connectivity were not distributed evenly among all things, yet everything is creative and everything is connected to everything else (to some degree). Even stone can create! It can bring into being sand by rubbing against itself or by dancing with the wind. Choice and consequences were also not distributed evenly among all things. Choice was apportioned according to the degree of sentience. Stones are less sentient than plants, plants less sentient than animals, and so on. You and I were allocated a capacity to choose that far exceeds that of any other thing on terra firma, in the sea or the air.  Our choices have the most profound consequences of all. This brings us to Axiom 7.

Axiom 7

Human Societies exist within a quantum reality and no aspect of their functioning can be separated from the Quantum Field or fully explained without consideration of Quantum Social Forces.

Social Forces are influences on your attitudes and behaviors that emanate from the nature of social interactions and social institutions. In the absence of any cultural backdrop two individuals react to each other based on their basic instincts, drives, emotions, needs, and fears. That natural reaction can become distorted when the two individuals view each other through the cultural lenses of race, religion, political perspective, sex, gender identity, nationality, social class, or any of the other categories that we have generated in the development of our modern cultures, societies, institutions, and organizations. These lenses are social forces that tend to focus your attention on certain information about the object, person, or experience, often to the exclusion of other possibly important details and facts. Remember, somewhere between the occurrence of a stimuli to your senses and your response to it, information gets distorted, some gets loss, and some gets overlooked completely. These social forces are part of the reason information about your reality gets distorted, loss, and overlooked. The negative consequences on your personal and professional relationships from letting these lenses become the filters of your reality can range from damaging, to destructive, to devastating. Social Forces emerge from and influence social interactions. Quantum Social Forces emerge from and influence the energy atmosphere or context in which those social interactions take place. How can you possibly hope to manage them if you do not first recognize their existence? I’m sure you have walked into a room and felt an immediate change in the atmosphere or quantum field around you, as pronounced as a radical change in temperature. QSP helps you put those kinds of experiences into a cogent framework that includes that which is unseen and nonetheless of consequence.

Every individual is born to be creative and connected, and to experience the reality of choice and consequences. Each of us is like a cell in the body of the social groups to which we belong. Any family, community, organization, institution, or society that stifles the creativity of the individual, fails to nurture interconnectedness (belonging) among its members, restricts individual choice beyond what is imperative to the common good, or acts to breach the bond between choice and consequences when those choices threaten the common welfare is bound to generate Quantum Entities that block the achievements that could otherwise be accomplished. The body survives and remains healthy as long as it can, acting as a coherent and integrated system, ward off any aberrant cells and successfully challenge whatever threatens the continued unity of the organism. Human societies are not a collection of discrete units. When two or more individuals interact a Quantum Personality or Quantum Entity is formed. This Quantum Entity comes into being in the Quantum Field because of the aggregation of human consciousness and is not an independent entity. (Axiom 1) The Quantum Field and its four cornerstones are the guardians and facilitators of the sacrosanct unity of creation.

In my next Post we’ll begin discussing QSP and Multi-Causality - Axiom 8: Emergence. Until then, be creative and connected, and be mindful of your choices for none of them are without their consequences; some obvious, immediate, and explosive, and some subtle, slow growing, and invasive. Claim what is yours and be responsible for it. Let others claim what is theirs and accept the consequences of what they choose to create.

To succeed you must overcome obstacles and challenges.
To overcome obstacles and challenges you must understand their nature.
To understand the nature of what is to be overcome you must observe and study.
To observe and study you must pay attention and focus.
To pay attention and focus you must calm your mind.
To calm your mind you must enter into Peaceful Space.

(From The Handbook On Being Human)

There is more to life than what touches our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin!
There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!

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concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.

Peace and Health!