Friday, August 17, 2012

QSP and Multi-Causality: Axiom 13 – Objective Influences

Peace Be With You!
Always hoping there is brightness in your world!

You and I live in the same world but in different realities. Our physical world is governed by energies, forces, relationships, and laws, which create and maintain a basic structure within which we each live out our lives. We all experience the rising sun, the cycles of the moon, the pull of gravity, the warmth or chill of the air, the buoyancy of the ocean, interactions with animals, plants, and insects – wanted or not wanted, and the body’s demand for food and sleep. Our physical world – though maintaining a basic structure – is nonetheless complex, malleable, and dynamic – constantly changing. The dynamic quality of our physical world is what enables you and I to have different objective experiences. Depending upon our location in the geographic and cultural structures of our physical world we are exposed to different rhythms of the sun, apparent sizes of the moon, temperatures of the air, currents of the oceans, seas, and lakes, diversity of animals, plants, and insects, availability, quality, and variety of foods, and even conditioned patterns of sleep. The protocols of our particular cultural structures prescribe the guidelines and shared rules regarding the nature of our relationships and interactions with others – family, friends, at work, school, and in virtually all public circumstances.

It should stand as obvious that you and I affect - and we are affected by - the various elements of our physical world. The Quantum Sociological Perspective asks you to look beyond the obvious and witness the deeper connections and profound consequences that result from your and my choices – sometimes even what seems to be a simple choice. Chaos Theory – developed in earnest in the 1960’s by the American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz - declares that tiny changes in circumstances can have major ramifications later on. Sometimes referred to as the ‘Butterfly Effect’, chaos is not chaotic in the literal sense because patterns do emerge from chaos. A top executive fails to make critical decisions or to take decisive action regarding a problem employee. Chaos theory or the ‘Butterfly Effect’ suggests that this executive failure has the potential to compound itself into a larger problem or pattern that can become characteristic of the organization as a whole – lack of respect for the protocols of the organization and lack of trust and confidence in its organizational leadership. In other words, little things can have BIG consequences – a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil sets into motion (or at least contributes to) the underlying conditions for a hurricane on the other side of the world. Too often parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, employers, politicians, and others fail to realize how their actions contribute to the creation of the very problems they are trying to solve, or undermine the very goals they are trying to achieve.

Axiom 13: Objective Influences

In the range of causal elements (X1 – XN), some elements exert their influence in the objective reality.

Energy is an animating force that makes things move or change. Energy can metamorphose and manifest itself in many different forms but scientists agree that the total energy of creation is conserved – energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another. It is important to remember that human beings do not live and act outside of this fundamental reality. We are energy beings and our thoughts, words, actions, and even our unexpressed attitudes and emotions are all part of this energetic reality. We have a profound effect on each other, wittingly and unwittingly. The notion attributed to Native American philosophy that - we should walk a mile in the other person’s shoes - reflects the recognition of this fundamental principle of energy conservation. It is not enough that you act, your must also give thought to the possible consequences of your actions – and these are always multiple. If you think only about your own thoughts, words, actions, and unexpressed attitudes and emotions you may fail to recognize your role in calling into existence your own nemesis. Ask yourself, how are my actions affecting the reality of the people around me, the people who depend on me? How does my influence on our shared environment feel to them?

Set a glass of water on the table or counter. Drop a small leaf or piece of thread on the surface of the water. Watch it! Notice the small movements that take place even though the glass and water appear to be standing still. Actually, the molecules in the water are colliding with each other and in turn striking the leaf or thread causing it to move in jerky, seemingly unpredictable patterns (Brownian Motion). Now imagine that the glass is your work environment and the molecules of water are your employees or co-workers. You are the leaf or thread! You come to work feeling great and before you know it you feel yourself being moved or jerked about by forces seen and unseen. Your stomach begins to get queasy, your head begins to ache, your ability to function begins to deteriorate, and your productivity goes down like water running down a drain. These are some of the objective consequences of a failure to observe and manage as suggested in Axioms 10 thru 12. If you recognize that you are an energetic being then you must also realize that even your unspoken and unwitting attitudes and behaviors are having an effect on the environment around you – especially the most sensitive elements of your environment, other people. If you imagine yourself to be one of the water molecules and your co-workers – in turn – to be the leaf or thread flowing on the surface then it should become clear that we are all having this ‘butterfly effect’ on each other and on our objective environment as a whole.

We are co-creators of our realities, wittingly and unwittingly. The energies that we put out do not have to produce negative consequences and environments. If you and I are more premeditated in our thoughts, words, actions, and attitudes we are equally capable of creating wholesome and harmonious environments that stimulate, motivate, and emancipate us from the chaos of everyday life.

There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!

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concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.

Peace and Health!