Peace Be With You!
Always hoping there is brightness in your world! In my last
Post I shared about our fan and queen palm trees and the decision we needed to
make. At least I thought we did. I think the trees were ‘feeling’ me when I was
writing the Post because within one to two weeks something interesting
happened. I even mentioned how intent I was feeling while writing last month. But I can’t
just tell you what happened without giving you some background. My desire is to
assist you in understanding QSP (the Quantum Sociological Perspective) and learning how to use that knowledge to your
best advantage. The understanding of QSP and the regular practice of Qigong
can empower you in all aspects of your life. That certainty is my motivation
for writing this Blog, sharing these introductory ideas with you, and inviting
you to study Qigong with me.
QSP Challenges Your Thinking and Your Senses
After some four centuries of being socialized into the
Newtonian worldview (law-based, reductionist, materialist, atomist, dualist,
and deterministic) it is difficult for many of us raised in Western cultures to
wrap our minds around the Quantum Sociological Perspective. We are coming full
circle but our journey is not yet complete. For millennia our ancient ancestors
and indigenous peoples around the world have described a world in which
everything is alive and related to everything else. They referred to other
living things, plants, animals, and insects as our relatives. The sky, the
waters, the clouds, and the earth were beings with their own natures and
degrees of sentience. They spoke of and lived in a world in which the unseen
was everywhere and was as real as the seen, if not more so. It was a world in
which interacting with and through those unseen forces was as important as any
other activity in their and our everyday lives.
Over time the worldview of our ancestors was supplanted by
the spread of empire-building religions, the 17th and 18th
Century ideas of Sir Isaac Newton, Rene’ Descartes, and the Rational-Scientific
Worldview. The world became a machine without life or sentience, an inanimate
object without spirit, a cornucopia to satisfy the appetites of man, and the
bond between humans and their relatives was broken. Worldviews affect human
behavior, and how we behave affects the world around us. Indigenous cultures
and traditions persist and remain influential worldviews for many. These
indigenous ways of being in the world were able to sustain themselves for tens
of thousands of years. The scientific worldview is comparably more significant
in the world today. And in less than one thousand years it has produced
negative consequences that are fast outweighing the benefits it has produced.
During the 20th Century a significant shift in
thinking began to occur. The Scientific Worldview began going through drastic and
profound change. The physical science ideal of mathematical precision and
predictability, as elaborated by Galileo, Newton, and their heirs, underwent an
amazing transformation when Big Bang cosmology substituted an expanding,
unstable universe for the Newtonian world machine. Today Quantum Physics is
taking us even further, deeper into a universe of incredible depth and
complexity, beauty and mystery, seen and unseen forces (Take a few minutes to view
the Scale of the Universe
web site. It is awesome!). The journey of science has now reached the point of
confirming what our ancestors and indigenous peoples around the world have understood
for millennia. There is more to this world than can be experienced by our five
senses. The universe is alive! Everything is connected to everything else!
Any social phenomenon that you choose to call ‘Y’ is
invariably the result of more than one causal element ‘X’. Y = F(X1, X2, X3, X4,
…, XN) where ‘N’ is an infinite number and 'F' implies 'a function of'.
After writing my last Post I had pretty much decided to cut
down the queen palm so that the fan palm could survive and mature. A few days
later I fertilized the yard including the two palm trees. One to two weeks
after my last Post I noticed that both the fan palm and the queen palm that we
discussed had become more vibrant and a few new palms had emerged. Certainly I should consider fertilizing the trees as one of the causal elements in
explaining their ‘sudden’ growth and vibrancy. Somewhere in my list of causal
elements I would also consider the possibility and probability that the trees
‘felt’ my own thoughts and feelings and reacted to them by demonstrating that
they could thrive together. QSP says that the universe is alive and that everything
has a degree of sentience. Research on plant life supports your and my
consideration of the possibility of a reaction on the part of the trees to the
energy field generated by my contemplation of cutting one of the trees down.
“It is fact: man can and does communicate with plant life.
Plants are living objects, sensitive, rooted in space. They may be blind, deaf,
and dumb in the human sense, but there is no doubt in my mind that they are
extremely sensitive instruments for measuring man’s emotions. They radiate
energy forces that are beneficial to man. One can feel these forces! They feel
into one’s own force field, which in turn feeds back energy to the plant. The
American Indians were keenly aware of these faculties.” (Marcel Vogel)
The Rational-Scientific Worldview objectified the natural
world and made us less sensitive to its many modes of communication and means
of energy transmission. We have been conditioned to see differences where
little or no difference actually exists.
“The isolated vegetal nerve (in plants) is indistinguishable
from animal nerve: So complete, indeed, has that similarity between the
responses of plant and animal, of which this is an instance, been found … that
the discovery of a given responsive characteristic in one case has proved a
sure guide to its observation in the other, and that the explanation of a
phenomenon, under the simpler conditions of the plant, has been found fully
sufficient for its elucidation under the more complex circumstances of the
animal.” “At death, the plant threw off a huge electrical force. Five hundred
green peas could develop five hundred volts.” “Plants became intoxicated when
given shots of whiskey or gin, swayed like any barroom drunkard, passed out,
and eventually revived, with definite signs of a hangover.” (Sir Jagadis
Chandra Bose)
Just think about it and the implications! You and I share this interactive relationship with every living creature and thing around us. Wittingly and too often unwittingly we are always influencing the world we inhabit, the whole thing. And we are communicating our deepest and strongest feelings to others whether we intend to or not. The fabric of this reality binds us together on a psycho-emotional level that is not obvious but is nonetheless powerful, dynamic, and profound.
Just think about it and the implications! You and I share this interactive relationship with every living creature and thing around us. Wittingly and too often unwittingly we are always influencing the world we inhabit, the whole thing. And we are communicating our deepest and strongest feelings to others whether we intend to or not. The fabric of this reality binds us together on a psycho-emotional level that is not obvious but is nonetheless powerful, dynamic, and profound.
Axiom 10: Management
In the range of causal elements (X1 – XN), some elements are
more manageable than others.
Human Resources and Personnel Management, in fact human
social interactions in general involve much more than the arrangement of people based on education, training, and skills.
Human shared spaces are dense fields of dynamic energies that also have to be
understood and managed. In order to determine what causal elements are most
manageable you have to open your mind to considering all of the possible
elements. Sometimes working with what we call ‘subtle energies’ can be much
more effective than simply moving people, reassigning tasks, or reinforcing
existing protocols. To accomplish Multi-Causality Management you need to learn a process that will
enable you to actually feel the quantum field as part of your substantive
reality. That is where your Qigong training will come in. Certainty will enable
you to think and act with confidence from the perspective of QSP. A practical
plan for managing your work, home, or other environments and relationships is
to begin by understanding the source from which phenomena or problems emerge
(Axiom 8) and the source that continues to sustain those phenomena or problems
(Axiom 9) in spite of your best intentions and past efforts.
These are things you would learn in one of my Qigong 4 Life Workshops, training for your:
(1) Body - Personal Health and Fitness
(2) Mind - Mental Alertness and Performance
(3) Spirit - Sense of Qualitative Connections
(4) Imagination - Intuition and Creativity
These are things you would learn in one of my Qigong 4 Life Workshops, training for your:
(1) Body - Personal Health and Fitness
(2) Mind - Mental Alertness and Performance
(3) Spirit - Sense of Qualitative Connections
(4) Imagination - Intuition and Creativity
- Learn How to Actually Feel the Energy of the Quantum Field
- Learn How to Strengthen Your Own Positive Energy Field (Vital Energy)
- Learn How to Use the Quantum Field for Health and Healing
- Learn How to Insulate Yourself from Other People's Negative Energy
- Learn How to Sense Negative Energy and Ill Intention in Others
- Learn How to Use Your Own Energy Field to Influence the Attitudes and Behaviors of Others
- Learn How to Sense the Subtle Energies That Can Render Your group, Corporation, or Organization Dysfunctional
- Learn How to Create a Contagion of Positive Energy and Vitality in Your group, Corporation, or Organization
There is more to life than what touches our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin!
There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!
Visit me at to learn more about
concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.
Peace and Health!
Reference: The Secret Life of Plants, Peter Tompkins, Christopher
Bird, Harper & Row, ISBN: 0-06-091587-0