Sociologists utilize several sociological perspectives as lenses through which they can view the dynamics of our social world. The Functionalist Perspective focuses on the social institutions, norms, values, beliefs, and other cultural elements that serve as the mortar to hold the society or group together. This is primarily a maintenance or status quo perspective. The Conflict Perspective focuses on the tensions that exist between the various elements and members of a society like economic competition, stratification by race, sex, socioeconomic status, and other social demographics. A third primary sociological perspective, the Symbolic Interactionist Perspective focuses on the contributions of the individuals who make up the group, institution, or society. How does an individual interpret their social role? Who or what is their primary audience when they act? Who or what motivates their process of choosing? What is the meaning that they attach to the various elements of their daily life, especially their social interactions? These perspectives are most useful when used in concert, one lens layered upon another until we get something close to a clear image of the phenomena under investigation.
The Quantum Sociological Perspective adds another lens that makes visible and provides an explanation for those social phenomena that the other lenses fail to reveal or even acknowledge. We have the capacity to affect each other by means other than through our direct social interactions. You are doing this whether you intend to or not. The key is that you can choose to do it mindfully and change the quality of your life in the process. We are not separate and separated entities occupying compartmentalized empty space. We are interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent entities that are contiguous at all times within a singular Quantum Reality. In The Handbook On Being Human, vol I, the Mysterious Dr. M. talks to U about the importance of understanding the Quantum Nature of our reality and the formation of Quantum Entities or Quantum Personalities. They are present in every family and group, on every team and in every organization, permeating every institution, nation, and society, and they aggregate forming the quantum atmosphere or climate of our individual and collective worlds. QSP Axioms 1 – 6 describe some of the characteristics of the initial formation of these Quantum Entities.
Axiom 4
Quantum Entities will form in both primary and secondary relationships.
(That is, in close intimate relationships like with family and friends, as well as in goal oriented relationships like with coworkers, fellow students, service providers, and others.)
Axiom 5
Relationships that are enduring, emotionally intense, or that form in extreme circumstances tend to produce stronger and more enduring Quantum Entities.
(Employers and coworkers should be aware of how their actions affect the people around them. We tend to take everyday interactions for granted and in doing so can become less sensitive to the sometimes subtle energy shifts that take place during a discussion, meeting, or other interaction. Needing to keep your job, loving the kind of work that you do, and yet hating the employment environment that you currently work in can be defined as an extreme circumstance, especially if the situation has persisted for some time and shows no signs of relief in a near future. It is an extreme circumstance because of the affect on both you and your employer. You are caught in a painful conundrum, are likely to experience heightened stress rooted in internal dissonance, are likely to have low enthusiasm in doing your job and therefore under-perform, and then can come all of the negative consequences that can emerge as your Energy Signature becomes less radiant, vibrant, and spirited.)
Axiom 6
Quantum Personalities (Entities) that form among members of a family tend to be strong and enduring.
(It is obvious that family life and familial relationships generally emerge within a unique and socially prescribed structure. But the family is not the only place that strong and enduring relationships are formed. They emerge in schools, playgrounds, houses of worship, workplaces, and even from those chance encounters in coffee shops. The workplace deserves special consideration. Consider how much of a person’s self is invested in their job. It is more than just a paycheck. Sometimes workers tell themselves “it’s just a paycheck!” But there are negative consequences to being there but not Being There! You can no more separate yourself from the Quantum Personality of your workplace than a fish can separate itself from the environment that supports its existence. Your hopes, dreams, ambitions, self-esteem, and off-the-job social relationships are all connected to, affected, and to some extent reshaped by your job and the Quantum Entities that emerge in relation to it. Q: What is one of the first five questions asked in an initial introduction? Ans.: So, what do you do?)
We cannot escape the reality of Quantum Entities. But why would we want to? Our ability to generate Quantum Entities through our interactions with others is the source of those enduring relationships and connections that bring such joy into our lives. Their formation is an essential part of our nature and the nature of our world and universe. What we can and should do is understand them and thereby learn how better to navigate and manage our social reality. When you put a hat on that is too small your head immediately tells you that it does not fit. If you decided to wear the hat anyway you would soon get a headache, or worst pass-out. Your body would join your head in telling you that this hat does not fit! If you put on a hat that is too big, that flops down on your ears and half covers your eyes your ears and eyes would tell you that the hat does not fit. The eyes would say they cannot see and the ears would say they feel burdened and uncomfortable. And by the way, in either case, other people could look at you and tell that neither hat is a good fit. (Unfortunately, most people are hesitant to tell you what you should already know!) There is a special feeling that comes along with putting on a hat that is a perfect fit. Made for you! Ha! That is an understatement. It is you! Snug as a bug in a rug as we use to say.
When you meet and interact with someone a Quantum Entity begins to take form. When that happens your Ori (inner head) tells you if the Energy Signature of the other person (or group) is a fit with your Ase Ami (Energy Signature). If you are paying attention the signal is as clear as when you try on a hat. Would you trust your head if it tells you the hat is too small, or your eyes and ears when they say the hat is too big? Then I suggest that you should listen to your Ori when it tells you that something or someone is not a good fit for you, or for their current place in your organization. As an employer there is the additional responsibility of making sure that the Quantum Entities formed by the individuals who make up the work teams, sections, or departments of your organization exude positive Quantum Personalities that feed life into your operations and organization rather than draining it of vitality, creativity, enthusiasm, and performance. Do not forget to consider Quantum Personalities when moving employees around, and don’t hesitate to move employees around in order to achieve the formation of a positive Quantum Entity.
One of the best ways I know to open your mind to the experience of the Quantum Reality is through regular Qigong practice. That is one of the reasons that I recommend companies and organizations offer Qigong training to all of their employees, especially management and executive personnel, as a benefit to the employee and the organization. Another reason is because of Qigong’s stress management effects and advantages. In my next Post I’ll share some thoughts on Axiom 7 dealing with Societal Influences.
There is more to life than what touches our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin!
There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!
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concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.
Peace and Health!