I hope it will be a Peaceful, Prosperous, and Wonder-filled New Year for you. Of course in the current financial, political, and social atmosphere peace and prosperity may seem elusive, and you may find yourself wondering more about the negative realities of your everyday life rather than being able to enjoy the complex, diverse, and astonishing beauty of our world. Negative energy has its own gravitational or attracting force and it is easy to get drawn into its powerful effects. Modern cultures generate so many direct and indirect social interactions, and so many choices, because the probability of encountering negative people and negative situations tends to increase with the density and complexity of the cultural environment.
It is probably easy for you to envision a web or matrix of energy fields connecting from electronic device to device, from tower to tower, satellite to satellite, all wrapping the earth in an overlapping and integrated field of energy. But why let you imagination stop there? Electronic devices are not the only things on this planet that radiate some forms of energy. If you are going to complete that picture you have to also consider the bands of amorphous energy that connect plant to plant, insect to insect, insect to plant, birds and fish to their spawning grounds, and all the other relationships including the nebulous quantum connection between you and other people. The Mysterious Dr. M. discusses this in The Handbook On Being Human, vol 1. Many social, business, and familial relationships become dysfunctional or unproductive because the individuals involved tend to view the relationship in terms of its observable patterns and fail to consider the Quantum Entity that is being sustained by those patterns. Remember, the Quantum Entity is the aggregation of human consciousness. What you say and what you do are not the only things that matter!
What you think, feel, sense, and intend at the core of your being are even more important because it is from your inner reality that you project and receive persistent energies channeled through the Quantum Entities you share with other people. You know this! Think about it! You may interact with a person on the job who gets under your skin for an hour or two of your workday, yet their existence in your consciousness, in fact it may seem to you like their very existence in the world, disturbs you well beyond the duration of your direct interactions. Throughout your workday and well into your evening, perhaps even in your dreams (nightmares), there they are! QSP can help you to understand how to deal with and avoid forming Quantum Entities that are charged with persistent negative energies. Axiom 2 states that the strength of the Quantum Personality is dependent upon the nature of the relationship and the interaction between the individuals precipitating the formation of the Quantum Personality. In other words the responsibility is on you to manage the relationships you form with family, friends, co-workers, and others. One misspoken word from a parent can persist in a child’s energy signature well into their adulthood and the negative energy generated by that hurt may remain manifest in the Quantum Entity that binds the child and parents together influencing the nature of their relationship for the rest of their lives. Likewise, the words spoken and tone used by an employer when speaking to an employee can have a profound effect (positive or negative), not only on the relationship between that employer and that particular employee, but it can also pervasively affect the Quantum Entity of the organization or corporation as a whole. Many employers are more focused on controlling inappropriate and unproductive behaviors rather than managing the quantum energies from which those unproductive behaviors emerge.
Axiom 3: Strength and Duration
The Quantum Personality or Quantum Entity can be an aggregation that is:
Short in duration and exerting a strong influence – When I was a teenager and in high school I met a young Chinese schoolmate who introduced me to the martial arts. We didn’t train together or anything like that. The interaction was of much shorter duration. One day he told me about a particular technique practiced in the Chinese martial arts. That was it! Since that interaction some 50 years ago I have studied various martial arts including under a Chinese Kung Fu Master, traveled and studied in China, become the master of my own system of Northern Southern Shaolin Kung Fu, and taught students from around the world for the past 35 years. However, I cannot remember that students name or face. The Quantum Entity formed between that student and me emerged from a social interaction of short during and is connects us by a single memory thread. He probably doesn’t even remember the interaction. The singular persistent energy thread that connects us emanates from me. Nonetheless, that Quantum Entity has had a strong influence in my life and is now a part of my Energy Signature.
Short in duration and exerting a weak influence – You may interact with thousands of people in the course of your life. Many of them will have no place in your memory. The duration of your social interaction was so short and its influence so weak that the Quantum Entity does not access enough of energy to take form. Like a ghostly image that quickly disappears the quantum field experiences a slight fluctuation based upon the interaction but then, nothing happens, because nothing of consequence takes place between you and the other person, persistent energy does not emerge.
Enduring and exerting a strong influence – Here are two simple examples! It is always good to ask how would I feel? In an organization or corporation, or in a family for that matter, these kinds of interactions can have profound consequences, positive or negative. Imagine a family member who feels neglected or an employee who feels unrecognized and unappreciated because you never bother to give a greeting, a complement, a word of encouragement, or even a smile. Now imagine what emerges if you do those things on a regular basis. It is simple! QSP does not ask you to step outside of reality. QSP invites you to take a deeper look at reality. An employer, executive, manager, or team leader who manages the energy relationship between the various parties to their enterprise is making a cost-effective investment in their own success.
Enduring and exerting a weak influence – How can a Quantum Entity be enduring and yet exert a weak influence? It is because the particular Quantum Entity does not compel you to act or inhibit you from action in any particular way. I had the pleasure of raising two beautiful (inwardly and outwardly) Akitas from puppies. They lived for 13 years and 14 years. We formed a positive and enduring Quantum Entity that fed each of us, my family, and everyone else who visited our home or saw us on a walk. That Quantum Entity is enduring and I can still draw energy from what they left behind, yet that Quantum Entity affects only a narrow aspect of my life and an even narrower set of my long-term or short-term choices. You may have had coworkers or employees who you remember as being inconsequential. Yet, there was something about them and the Quantum Entity that formed through your interactions makes you remember them even if in your mind they stand out for not standing out in any other way. There was a special affinity between their Energy Signature and yours.
You live, work, socialize, and love in an energy environment, a quantum reality. You are constantly moving and reconfiguring the energy of this reality through your thoughts, words, and actions. You are continuously creating either headwinds or tailwinds on your life journey based on your social interactions and the Quantum Entities that emerge from them. Success accrues to those who create positive enduring Quantum Entities that exert strong positive influences on their own Energy Signature.
There is more to life than what touches our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin!
There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!
Visit me at Sharif-Enterprizes.com to learn more about
concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.
Peace and Health!