Thursday, December 8, 2011

Quantum Entities At Work and Home Pt 2

Peace Be With You!

I hope you have gotten through this year without too much stress, strain, and pain. I hope your family came closer together rather than drifting further apart. I hope your organization, business, or employer was able to manage the turbulent economic environment. The political turmoil in Washington, across the country, and around the world certainly made it even more difficult to avoid getting stressed out over one thing or another. Barring those who by choice or circumstance live in virtual isolation from people and technology we are all challenged by the conditions of the world in which we live. We (humans) affect our world in innumerable ways, most of which are obvious. On the Macro (large scale) Level we see our city landscapes, interstate highways, species extinctions, and water, air, and soil pollution to name a few.  We can also see that our various methods of organization and our diverse cultures, the ways in which we utilize natural resources for example, also have their influence on our world.

If we zoom in to the Micro Level (small scale) we will see the level of social interactions and individual choices and the consequences of those choices. This is the level upon which our manifest influences on the world depend. This is the objective level from which our positive and negative influence on our world emerges. But we are not finished! We can zoom in one more time to the level where individual distinctiveness begins to fade. Where the apparent gaps between individualized physical forms and the distinctions between our various social structures begins to disappear. This is the level where we can see how our individual choices affect the larger whole and how the larger whole affects us. This is the Quantum Level. The Quantum Sociological Perspective says that we affect each other and our environment in ways that are seen and unseen. QSP says that the level of objectified forms must be respected but the reality of the world can only be understood by comprehending its energy nature as well as our own. Looking at your world through the lens of QSP is like looking into one of those two-dimensional images that suddenly becomes a three-dimensional picture when you finally relax and your eyes (and your brain) shift their perspective. In my last Post we discussed Axiom 1. You might want to read or review it before reading on. Better yet you might purchase a copy of Letters To U: From The Mysterious Dr. M. – The Handbook On Being Human in order to gain a deeper insight into this Quantum Reality and its influence on your family life, social relationships, and business success.

Axiom 2

The strength of the Quantum Personality is dependent upon the nature of the relationship and the interaction between the individuals precipitating the formation of the Quantum Personality.

Sometimes, when you meet someone for the first time you get a sense of them that is not explained by their physical appearance, their style of dress, their body language, or even their words. Explaining this inner knowing to someone else is not easy and maybe not even to yourself, but the feeling is as real to you as any objective part of the moment. In the language of QSP and the Handbook On Being Human what you are feeling in that moment is the person's Energy Signature, the total complex of energy responsible for, connected to, and emanating from the existence of anything and everything. The existence of this radiant energy property connected to all things has been well documented in the traditions of the ancients, the research into the Kirlian Effect, and most recently in the observations of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics. The ancients spoke of this energy in many languages - Ase, Prana, Ankh, Aloha, Nkra, and Ntu, to name a few. Today scientists are describing what the ancients knew using terms like, unified field, quantum energy, dark energy, dark matter, and string, to name a few.

Now picture in your mind two people arranging to meet for the first time. Lets say, a very important business meeting. Someone looking on from a distance might see the two people approaching each at say, eight feet apart. However you, with your understanding of the quantum reality, can see that long before they close the gap, shake hands, and greet each other, the radiant energy field emanating from each of them moves through an infinite field of energy and makes contact. In fact, as you allow your mind to relax and escape the artificial boundaries of the objective reality you begin to see that these two individuals’ energy signatures began to make contact from the very moment that they became aware that they would be meeting each other. QSP says that is what happens in the Quantum Reality!

When the two people (lets make you one of them) sit down for their business meeting things seem to go well. All the right things are said, and all the body language and gestures reinforce the spoken words. But you get a feeling that unsettles you. You cannot explain it but your confidence in what you are hearing and seeing begins to fade into doubt. What you may be feeling is an inconsistency in the other persons energy signature. Remember, the Energy Signature is the total complex of energy responsible for, connected to, and emanating from the existence of anything and everything. That means that if there is dissonance within the individual, there is a disturbance in their energy signature AND, other people can feel this inconsistency if they are paying attention at that level. This is why it is important to BE YOURSELF! If you are untrue to yourself people can feel the dissonance in your energy signature. If you trust totally what you see reflected or expressed in the objective reality you can be deceived. If you learn to trust what is communicated to you on the Quantum Level you are less likely to be deceived.

The strength of the Quantum Personality is dependent upon the nature of the relationship. In this scenario it is a potentially important business relationship. If the relationship is indeed valued by both of you and the business potential is significant, both of you are likely to spend considerable time thinking about the upcoming meeting and its potential implications. You will spend time thinking about the other party, trying to picture them, how they look and what they will be like. All of this anticipatory energy reaches out to the other person long before the meeting takes place and adds to the strength of the Quantum Personality that is taking form. If the social interaction between you is positive then the Quantum Entity (Quantum Personality) that forms will have a positive energy signature causing feelings excitement, positive anticipation, and interest. If the interaction between you is negative the Quantum Entity that you share will have a negative energy signature causing stress, anxiety, distress, and anticipation of a negative experience and outcome. Long before your next planned meeting you may begin dreading the meeting and even feeling physically sick over it. You both are now connected to and share in a Quantum Personality, a Quantum Entity that will influence your future relationship unless you come to understand the quantum nature of your world and learn how to manage and reconfigure the quantum entities that you create.

QSP gives you a language and conceptual framework to understand things that you experience everyday, those unexplained experiences of inner knowing, of seeing behind the veil, of sensing other people’s Energy Signature. And don’t let our example place any limit on your thoughts about Axioms 1 and 2. You form Quantum Entities in every situation, at home, at work, in social gatherings, at school, and anywhere else that you meet other people. It should be obvious that all Quantum Entities are not the same. I will share some of their varying characteristics in my next Post on Axiom 3. Until then, Be Well!

There is more to life than what touches our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin!
There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!

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concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.

Peace and Health!