Many corporations and organizations think that they only have to manage their employees of record. They also tend to think that this management is best accomplished through published policies, protocols, and procedures. That can be a big mistake! Have you ever seen a stop sign actually stop a car at an intersection? Not me! The only one I’ve ever seen actually make a car stop at a red light or stop sign is an alert and careful driver. Policies, protocols, and procedures can provide a useful framework but the bottom line is all about the people in your organization and how they feel about coming to work. High turnover is organizational hemophilia, bleeding human potential. Having stressed-out workers is like corporate atherosclerosis, clogging up productivity. Maintaining a negative work environment is like a severe case of corporate influenza, a virus attacking all vital systems. Every corporation and organization should be working to nurture a long-term relationship with their employees because it is those career workers who are dedicate to the organization’s goals, highly skilled in the company’s business, and who can maintain the integrity of a positive corporate culture. For the body to remain healthy the vital fluid of the body (blood) must be contained, its pathway of circulation must be kept clear, and the body’s immune system must be kept responsive enough and strong enough to recognize and ward-off illness and disease (dis-ease). The body is an integrated system where each part performs a specialized function that is interdependent with every other function and system. The body is also an arena of conflict where different systems compete for limited nutritional resources, and the failure of one system can have cascading effects upon other systems creating an ideal environment for chaos to erupt. The health of the body as a whole is dependent on the health of each of the parts. Every aspect of the body must be cared for. When one part of the body fails, the whole person is affected. This description of the body applies equally to corporations and other organizational bureaucracies.
If an organization has 50 employees, even after considering that there are a host of relationships between the 50 employees that must be managed, there is also the nebulous but powerful Quantum Entity of the organization that must be understood, recognized, and refined. The Corporate Culture and the Quantum Entity of the Corporations are interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. The Quantum Entity of a Corporation is both a consequence of the corporate culture and a significant influence on the character and persistence of the culture. I’ve discussed QSP and outlined twenty-seven (27) QSP Axioms in Letters To U: From The Mysterious Dr. M. – The Handbook On Being Human, vol I. Lets look at your work and home environment through the lenses of QSP.
Axiom 1
When two or more individuals interact a Quantum Personality or Quantum Entity is formed. This Quantum Entity comes into being in the Quantum Field because of the aggregation of human consciousness and is not an independent entity. It is the whole that emerges as a result of the interaction of the parts. [The whole is greater than the sum of its parts but not independent from them.]
Everything that we know of, animate and inanimate is radiating energy. That energy has a specific characteristic that is the energy signature of the person, place, or thing from which the energy emanates. You know this! You feel people from a distance all the time, don’t you? Science, metaphysics, philosophy, spirituality, and tradition may not agree on the origin and significance of this energy, they may speak of it in radically different terms, but it is there – Everything Vibrates! (Hermes). Everything extends beyond its empirical self! There are many ways that you and I experience this energy, the most common being the way you and a family member or close friend seem to tune-in on each other even over great distances, or the immediate positive or negative feelings that you get about some other people, and the persistent positive or negative feelings that define the relationship between you and those with whom you have regular contact, like co-workers. In order to fully appreciate the message in Axiom 1 and those we will discuss in future Posts, you need to think of your thoughts and feelings as having an existence that extends outward from your physical body. It is also important to see that as being true about every other person, all 7 Billion. See yourself living in an ocean of energy, a matrix formed from the energy signature of every other person, place, and thing on the planet and ultimately in the Universe. Like the brain and its billions of neurons forming synaptic networks you also form associative links. These associative links show up as Quantum Entities. The Quantum Entities that you form can be positive or negative, sources of happiness and success or sources of misery and emotional pain. Whether at work, at home, or at your favorite place to shop you are forming Quantum Entities during all your social interactions. It is the strength of the Quantum Entities that you form between yourself and others that influences their ability to follow you home. The Quantum Personality of a corporation is the aggregate of the Quantum Entities that corporate administrators nurture among themselves and their workers.
In my October Post on Emotional Addictions I spoke about the biochemical aspect of our relationships. Hope you will check it out if you missed it. In my next few Posts we’ll focus on the QSP Axioms and Quantum aspects of our relationships at work and at home.
There is more to life than what touches our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or skin!
There is another way of Knowing!
There is another way of Being!
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concepts and services that can benefit you and your organization.
Peace and Health!